Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Earthlike Planet Discovered - 4/24/2007

"An Earthlike planet spotted outside our solar system is the first found that could support liquid water and harbor life, scientists announced Tuesday." - MSNBC

Gliese 581 C (the planet's given name) is said to be the most Earthlike planet found to this date. Though don't get too comfortable with it, its hardly a mirror image. Gliese is approximately 50% larger with about 5 times the mass of Earth. Other weird facts include the planet's yearly cycle, which would conclude within 13 Earth days, as its 15 times closer to its star than we are to the sun. The article continues to describe the planet as being orbitably fixed within its sun's "habbitable zone" (which is a specific zone where the planet is most likely to sustain liquid water).

You see, that's the major question now. Does the planet support any liquid water? If so, the chances of discovering extraterrestrial life would have significantly leaped into the realms of reality. At this time, the next major steps are to further explore deeper into Gliese's atmosphere, which consists of currently unknown elements.

Mankind has lived for itself for no longer than the blink of an eye within the universe's scale of time, which is infinite beyond our comprehension. And within that blink of an eye, we've grown the ability of understanding technology and advancing on it, quickly rendering ourselves almost godlike in sheer will. And in knowing this, and in appreciating this...

No one is above spitting crumbs from their mouth, after shoveling a Duncan donut down their throat to feed their fatty thunder thighs, while screaming at some "moron" who cut you off in the middle of morning rush time traffic because you couldn't just let off the throttle for 3 seconds and just let him in for god sakes! No...

Rather than being the sensible human being nature intended you to be, you'd rather crap on our evolutionary fate to better secure your little spot in traffic, as if the difference of one little car will push you over the threshold of being late to your meaningless day job that you probably don't even give a crap about to begin with!

Look people... we've managed to accomplish all types of history making achievements... can't we make morning traffic one of them? God damn. Just when you think things couldn't get gayer... a Coloradan with a car always surprises you.

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