Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Movies I HATE... Prepare to Loath Me - 5/09/2007

Fight Club... it just never really ever clicked with me. Firstly, the movie wasn't uplifting or inspirational at all, but rather seriously depressing. We're all the same decaying organic matter as everything else... No one is any special than anyone else? Are you going to sit there and really say you're no more worthy than a serial killer or pedophile? You're really going to classify yourself on the same level as a burglar or rapist? People segregate themselves into social classes to live more comfortable lives, not to make people feel bad about themselves. Its okay to accept socially ranked people opposed to your own social status, but its always questionable to actually live in their environments among untrustworthy people with different morals and principals. However many social issues they create, its completely inevitable. People will segregate to live more secure lives.

Not only that, but the whole anti-materialist banter was equally aggravating... people work damn hard to live a damn good living, not to live in some crappy house out in the middle of a commerical/industrial zone. No, no... this movie was merely a savior for those hippie, hugely lefty people who are too pathetic, too poor, and too lazy to make a decent living to own decent things. I'm sure if they worked real hard and earned themselves a billion dollars, they'd sing a whole different tune. And the money in any case is always contributed to charity and to just causes. Bill Gates for one... when he dies almost all his fortune is being given to charity. But simultaneously, these are changing times... in which having as much money as you can make is essential for the survival of your own family.

Perhaps those aren't the arguments at hand, but they are what I gathered from the film.

Also... just the overall style and feel in which the film was shot dug hard into a trashy and gritty image that would make anyone feel depressed. There wasn't an uplifting or inspirational moment in the film at all. And it seemed like an eternity, this film just sucked you further and deeper into this hopeless grimy underworld every second of its never ending time span. It was perhaps one of the more infuriating and frustrating movies I've ever seen. It was overrated by everyone, even by those who clearly stood in direct opposition of everything the film is against. I can never even begin to like this film until I lose my self respect and become an asshole, just like everyone involved in its cult following. Everyone I ever knew who liked that movie rid themselves of dignity, and reduced their pride to the lowly standards of Fight Club, like a monkey shot out into space (if that even makes sense).

Senseless babble or accurate rant, that's really my thought about the film. To this day I can't watch it. Its a corrupting piece of teeny pop bull crap which no self respecting person should enjoy watching. But that's just my opinion.

Pulp Fiction... the film that revolutionized Hollywood forever!!1 omg. Seriously though, I appreciate the film, or did at one time. I would've gladly watched it without a second thought being a possibility. And I used to back in the day. But the more exposure I saw from Tarentino, and the more his fans became apparent, the more I began losing interest... and this lacking interests soon developed into a deathly loathing. I will behead a seven year old virgin of Christ before ever watching that movie again. I will go to incredible measures to ensure I never, ever see that movie for as long as I live. And the reason being is this insanely absurd position that the film changed Hollywood and now every directing method used today was from direct influence of Pulp Fiction. I've even seen Pulpheads (my term for overraters) go as far as compare epic movies of the new millennium to the fathering mechanics of Pulp Fiction. Its okay to like Tarentino, but don't over do it and ruin the experience for other people. Because of this ignorant stance, I can no longer enjoy watching the film without nitpicking whatever flaws I discover and rant endlessly on them in passionate defiance of this overrating phenomenon. Not only this, but I think Tarentino is a prick.

The Matrix... I never did like the Matrix come to think about it. There comes a time in every movie-goers life in which they must appreciate a movie's concept, but totally hate the presentation. What we saw was two hours of a Keanue Reeves photo shoot. I mean... its like here Neo is nothing but a paper pushing office lackey, and not but ten minutes later... here is, a mere Jedi in a virtual galaxy collapsing the fairly policing antagonist government to make apparent the true fate of the humans, even though in a virtual simulation of life are probably having a better time than the poverty stricken hippy hobos of Zion (or whatever that stupid city is called). Are you kidding me? I mean, I truly love the idea of this world we've come to realize as... well, reality is actually but a computer simulation. I love that idea! But I really thought it could've been delivered in a more believable manner with a lot less Hollywood glam and CGI imagery and Keanue's dopey face.

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